Frequently Asked Questions
How can I place an order at
It is very simple, just follow these steps:
- Register on
- Select your favourite items and add them to your shopping cart
- Choose a payment option
- Once you paid for your order we will send you a confirmation e-mail
How can I create my account on
- Click on "REGISTER" on the left side next to "CART"
- Fill in your details as required
- Submit your details
- Your account has been set up
How can I recover my account password if I forget it?
- Click on "MY ACCOUNT" on the left side next to "CART"
- Click on "Forgot your password"
- Enter your e-mail address and submit it
- A password recovery e-mail will be sent to your e-mail address
How can I pay for my shopping?
- After you selected the items you wish to purchase, click on "checkout"
- Enter your billing address and your shipping address
- You can also provide us an alternative shipping address if you wish
- After providing all details required please click "place order"
- Select your payment option and fill in your payment details to complete your purchase and click "submit"
- Please note: The payment transaction will be executed by our UK partner company Brands2You. The merchant name on your bank / credit card statement for your GitaDini purchase will be: brands2you UK